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  1. Gaata Rahe Mera Dil

    Bollywood - Greatest Mix Tape Hits


  1. Gaata Rahe Mera Dil ( Instrumental Cover)

    Dr Suresh Bhagia

  2. Bollywood - Greatest Mix Tape Hits

    Various Artists

  3. Mera Dil Gaata Rahe

    Rahul Singh

  4. All Albums


  1. Gaata Rahe Mera Dil

    Bollywood - Greatest Mix Tape Hits

  2. Gaata Rahe Mera Dil ( Instrumental Cover)

    Gaata Rahe Mera Dil ( Instrumental Cover)

  3. Mera Dil Gaata Rahe

    Mera Dil Gaata Rahe

  4. Jodilse Mera Naam Gata Rahega

    Prabhu Updesh (Satsangi Keertan)

  5. All Songs